Collagen Type 0 is suitable for a wide range of scientific and medical applications.
Jellagen’s collagen has a large range of in vivo and in vitro applications and can be supplied in a variety of formulations to suit any project.
Advanced Wound Care
Healthcare Need and Challenge
Non-Healing chronic wounds remain a global healthcare challenge. These wounds are defined as those that have failed to heal in 4 weeks, creating a huge social and economic burden on society. Managing chronic wounds is costly to healthcare providers and causes severe physical and emotional stress to patients.
Large Patient Population
6 million chronic wounds in USA
Large Healthcare Spend
Up to 5% of healthcare budget spend on chronic wounds
Significant reduction in competition
212 skin substitutes reimbursed by CMS reduced to 12 in June 24
Our Approach
Chronic wounds are considered to be “stuck” in the inflammatory phase due to co-morbidity complications associated with diabetes and old age. This often leads to reduced blood flow (decreased angiogenesis) to the wound site, reducing the availability of cells/nutrients leading to tissue breakdown, infection and delayed healing.
To address the significant need for improved clinical outcomes that can improve patients’ quality of life, Jellagen is developing a novel collagen Type 0 wound dressing technology derived from jellyfish.
Our Solution
Micronized collagen type 0 powder - a patented, micronized powder form of collagen type 0 intended to be applied as either a powder or paste that provides intimate contact with all areas of the wound bed. This is particularly important in irregular, tunnelled or undermined wounds.
Jellagen Medical Device & Research Product Pipeline
Below is a visual representation of our product pipeline, showcasing the innovative projects we have in development.

Get in touch
If you would like to know more about Collagen Type 0, or have any other questions, please contact us.

Collagen Type 0 Whitepaper
Find out how Collagen Type 0 can revolutionise Regenerative Medicine
In this whitepaper we explore:
- Where Collagen Type 0 comes from
- Properties of Collagen Type 0
- Biocompatibility and anti-inflammatory properties of Collagen Type 0
- In Vivo wound case study
- Clinical Applications for Collagen Type 0